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Farmer's cheese processing company Igor Pietrzyk started its business in the middle of 2011. I spent the beginning of my business looking for the perfect raw material. My basic condition was to find a small farmer, under constant supervision of the veterinary services, who would be able to meet my demand for milk on a one-off basis. After a year of searching and numerous attempts at cooperation with producers, I managed to find a farmer who has a small herd and still consists mainly of Jersey and Simmental cows. It is thanks to the mixture of milk from these breeds that I have obtained a raw material that meets my expectations 100%. The milk has a high fat content of 4.6% to 5.6%, with an average of 4.85% from mixed milk, and a protein content of 3.6% to 4.0%, with an average of 3.55% from mixed milk. It is thanks to these two parameters, among others, that we manage to produce cheeses with unique organoleptic and taste qualities.

From the very beginning, Serowarnia has been focused on the production of various types of cheese, although we started with unripened rennet cheeses (a good product for learning the technological secrets of milk processing and cheese making). Then came RICOTTA-type cheese, followed by cottage cheese and curds and since June 2015 we have implemented the production of long-ripened cheeses. At the present time, having expanded our machinery park with a new 300-litre PLEVNIK cheese-making boiler and replaced small non-professional equipment with highly specialised equipment, we produce cheeses that can confidently compete in terms of quality and taste with those produced in cheese-making facilities of such giants as the Italians, the Swiss, the French and the Spanish.

Despite the introduction of machine-technological changes, the bulk of the work is still done by hand, giving the cheesemaker the unique opportunity to personally and directly interfere with the raw material being processed, which is reflected in the quality of the cheeses produced. The cheeses are still made from non-standardised cow's milk (the fat and protein content is variable), non-pasteurised (it is not subjected to high-temperature heat treatment) and whole milk (the cream is not extracted).

We invite you to taste our products, which are available in numerous shops, restaurants and hotels in Wrocław. It is also possible to purchase cheese directly from the cheese factory located in the village of Ślubów 13 in the Górowski district.

How to order?

Production site: Ślubów 13, 56-200 Góra | tel. +48 604 433 373 

Products can be purchased during the (Un)vinous aging event at Winnica Anna (Krośnice), always on the first Saturday of the month, from April to September.


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