Interesting places

The church of St. Jude Thaddeus was built as an Evangelical church in 1908-23, when the older church was demolished. It is a magnificent brick building with a tower and a single nave. The architecture of the church shows many modernist features, although the massing and some details follow the Gothic tradition. After the Second World War, the church was disused for some time, and from 1962-82 it housed a warehouse. The only reminder of the original furnishings is the painting "The Mourning of Christ", painted in 1908 by the Obornik woman Klara von Grapow. Originally located in the main altar, it was later thought to be lost, and in 1993 it was found to have been kept by one of the parishioners.

[ compiled by anna nosol on the basis of T. Dudziak and M Dziedzic's book " Okolice Wrocławia" ].


Trzebnickie Hills


Oborniki Śląskie


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