Interesting places

The parish church of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary (formerly Evangelical). The original church was destroyed by the Hussites at the beginning of the 15th century and rebuilt by the Protestants. Another reconstruction followed the devastation of the 30-year war, in 1663 a baroque wooden belfry - a tower with a baroque cupola - was added; at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries the church acquired a rich decoration. Due to poor technical condition, the building was demolished in 1828 and rebuilt in 1878 according to the design of the master builder Krause from Strupina.
The church is reminiscent of an old Christian church, with neo-Romanesque elements, with clear influences of K. F. Schinkel (exposed wooden ceiling, tower) and neo-Gothic motifs. Inside, in the western wall, there are numerous cartouches and epitaphs of noble families - collators of the church, as well as late Renaissance tombstones from the 17th century, transferred from a demolished building.



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