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Oleowita is a Polish family business created by enthusiasts of healthy food and an active lifestyle. Currently, the sales offer includes almost 20 types of pressed oils, produced at the company's headquarters in Stawiec near Milicz.

The products have the Dolina Baryczy Poleca certificate, which has been awarded for 13 years to local products and services from the Barycz Valley. The certificate is awarded to the best products and services that meet specific conditions, including high quality, connection to the Barycz Valley area, and environmental friendliness.

The company offers products made from kernels, nuts and seeds, such as: oils - cold-pressed using the traditional method, which allows the preservation of valuable ingredients, flour - 100% ground kernels, nuts without additives and preservatives, mousses - a healthy alternative to popular peanut butters, which are ideal for pancakes, sandwiches or for direct consumption. All raw materials are sourced from domestic farmers and entrepreneurs, from Polish crops. The consumption of cold-pressed oils is particularly important due to the richness of Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3, 6, 9), the regular consumption of which improves the condition of the whole body. Each of our oils and flours has a different blend of acids and ingredients that are so necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Descriptions of the properties and uses of each product can be found on the website of the online store:

At the company's headquarters, in addition to the production and the possibility to purchase products, educational classes for children are held.


Barycz Valley



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