Interesting places

Educational activities at the "Ruda Żmigrodzka" fish farm are conducted in the field, along an educational nature trail, which leads along a causeway around the farm's largest pond. The trail is about 3 km long and takes about 1.5 hours to complete. There are nature education boards along the trail, rich in photographs and descriptions. In case of bad weather, the activities are moved to the Fish Inn. During the didactic lessons, children and young people have the opportunity to learn more about the animal and plant world of the Barycz Valley, in particular about the different species of fish and birds that inhabit the area. Through their own observation and other senses, the participants in the classes explore the mysteries of the environment, learn about the history of inland fishing in the Barycz Valley area and find out what the profession of a fisherman is all about.


Barycz Valley



Recommended for families with children

Recommended for children


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